Saturday, June 18, 2016

Losing her at words ...

Words entice her...
Words seduce her ...
Your words turned her reclusive world upside down ...
Your words killed the love that had germinated.

Simple words that can make or break a woman ...
You made her and  you broke her infinitely.

She enters her cocoon again ...
With a promise ...
This time even words can't beseech her.

From me she became Us ...
Only to become I again.

You lost her at your words ...
She lost you at hers.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Temporary Relationship ...

A few interactions I find interesting to share- a series of short conversations.
Him and her .
Reading books , warm sunlight , green grass .
She -: i should warn you -I can't handle anger well.
He - thoughtfully " I don't see you very angry , usually"
She - no, your anger . I don't like it at all. Don't be angry with me .
He - thinking deeply again .." But that would be unnatural for me .. I would not be myself if I am hiding things from you .."
She - thinking - well that is true . And honest .
" but still , give me a warning ..something like I am sorry I am feeling mad ..can I talk to you about this .."
He laughs . "I can try . But I don't know if it will work always "
She - " you know I am not known for staying too long in one place if I am unhappy ..I find options .."
He , now seriously looking at her - " options ? "
She - " yes , I don't recommend to anyone to stay in a situation they hate . They should either accept or move .. Shouldn't complain .."
He -: you don't have any options .
Oh ?
She - now feeling truly mad - "of course I do . Everyone has options ."
He -" do you know anyone handsomer than me ?"
She marveling at his confidence -:"a few names come to mind , but yes I think right now I see you to be the best."
She is trying not to smile . Too much confidence for a bald man .
He does not seem to notice the emphasis on 'right now'
He rolls over - do you know anyone who is as intelligent as I am ?
She looks at him seriously but the twinkle in the eye is brighter , harder to hide .
"Again a few names do come to mind , but yes you are the most intelligent man I see right now ."
He , looks directly at her - no sign on his face of any humor .
"Do you know any one who loves you more ?"
No names came to mind .
She chooses to not answer .
Another postponement of that breakup . May be another day .
It's a temporary relationship anyway . Just one lifetime .
Both return to their respective chapters of fiction and facts .

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Words just flow...

There are days ...
When she struggles to find words to pen ...
There are days when she is lost for words ...
There are days like today ...
When an inspired work inspires her ...
And, words flow like a stream ...
And she disseminates in a World of letters ...
Plucking nouns, verbs , adjectives, adverbs and what not ...
To spin a web so strong ...
One that can take her weight ...
And swing her about ...
Lulling her to sleep.

A sweet lullaby ...
Words of her own ...
Words stolen ...
Standard words ...
Abstract concepts ...
Structured unstructured sentences ...
Making a meaning or none at all ...
They just flow ...
She just types ...
Happy and content ...
Her sanity intact.

Words just flow ...
Like wine poured into clinking glasses ...
Be it Martini or tequila ...
Her Vodka has arrived.

The Anteater and the Librarian ...

Books spread all over...
The once prim Library ...
The haven of knowledge ...
Makes the keeper wonder ...
What must have happened ?
What transpired overnight ...
That strewn around are her treasures ?

She walks into a mound of books ...
No not torn or destroyed ...
She hears the rustle of pages ...
The antique fan whirring above ...
Was it the cause for the pages turning over?

A movement behind the mountain of books in a corner ...
What could that shadow falling upon the carpet be of?

An element of apprehension ...
With bated breath she moves forth ...
It couldn't be ...
She couldn't believe her eyes ...
Lying amongst the fallen books ...
Was an Anteater ...
Reading a book animatedly ...
Enjoying the words spilling out ...
Tail swishing around making books fly around ...
Engrossed deeply in the literature.

An age when people forgot all about the written  words ...
A digital age ...
There was an animal gaining knowledge ...
Loading into its grey matter...
Words long forgotten.

Human race may become defunct ...
but, long live the creatures of the wild ...
they have taken the onus upon themselves ...
To carry the legacy forth.

Visitors to the Library feel ...
The Librarian has gone bonkers ...
For they see no books strewn on the floor ...
The siren sounds shrill ...
The Librarian on her way to an asylum ...
For the mentally deranged ...
They say the words in the books ...
Took over her ...
She forgot everything else ...
The words were her World ...
And, they took her away from it.