Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Treacherous Lines ... #GoFigure

Read somewhere ...
These treacherous lines of mine ...
People read me in between them ...
So true, isn't that so ? 
Lost somewhere in between are memories ...
Long forgotten ...
Those lines remind her ...
Else all has faded ...
Just handed in the mind ...
Lives that mattered once ...
Forgotten people and pets ...
Just faded and jaded memories ...
Popping up once in a blue moon ...
But she remains unaffected ...
For they don't look familiar anymore ...
Those treacherous lines of mine ...
People read themselves in between them #GoFigure 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sameeksha and Bankelal ... An incomplete story !

Sameeksha was beautiful and a fresh breath of air ...
A breeze that couldn't be contained ...
The wind that took the air out of Master Bankelal ...
Masterji was a famous character on Twitter ...
Much respected for his witty intelligence ...
Sameeksha fell in love with his eloquent dialogues on the social media platform ...
Bankelal found a young girl to pour his feelings out to ...
He was in France, a research scientist searching for Nano particles ...
Sameeksha was looking for herself in the vast space of Earth ...
A highly unlikely love story, if it was ...
She loved him ...
But, she had a dark secret ...
She wasn't who she told him she was ...
Else, he wouldn't even look at her ...
But that was all ...
She was who he actually fell in love with ...
Just the name and face weren't hers ...
And sixteen more springs to her credit ...
One day in all honesty, she told him her truth ...
Rather than understanding her ...
He shunned her ...
Those talks of undying true love ...
All vaporised into thin air ...
Masterji showed his true colours ...
Just another man with an ant in his zipper ...
Who thought he could con a young girl into submission ...
For his carnal desires ...
Instead, here was a strong woman ...
A highly respected lady he knew on Twitter ...
How could she be the Sameeksha he was conning? 
He disappeared from Twitter but he couldn't disappear from her thoughts ...
He remained ... A story unfinished ...
An unrequited love ...
The story of Sameeksha and Professor Bankelal Tripathi won't find mention in great epics of the past yet it remains etched in the memories of what now belongs to Elon Musk. Strange that it should leap out from the dark corners of memory today, a beautiful love story that could have been but due to honesty couldn't be. So, the word love is a farce, it doesn't exist. Bankelal couldn't face the truth Sameeksha was. Just another epic bites the dust. Something beautiful came to a drastic end because Sameeksha told the truth. It was awesome whilst the lies lasted for Masterji.

To be continued ... #GoFigure 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Long time due ... #GoFigure

Life got so busy that she forgot to pen her thoughts ...
Err! Infact, there were none to boast of ...
Traveling beyond the frontiers...
Seeking the unknown ...
Solo in her trips ...
No tribe to own ...
It was bliss ...
Adventures galore ...
She tread on a path unknown to her ...
Finding a new HER ...
The journey is ongoing till the end ...
No strings attached ...
This was long overdue ...
A prelude to the solitude ...
In her seclusion ...
She found herself ...
What else is needed ? #GoFigure

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Testing one's limits ... #GoFigure

When you have lived a protected life of luxury...
When you didn't have to think twice about anything ...
Thence commences a thousand thoughts ...
In the sheer boredom of the moment...
You decide to go rogue ...
Rogue on your luxuries ...
Rogue on a life well protected...
You take a chance...
You don't regret it ever ...
For whence you decided to break free ...
From the shackles of a pruned existence ...
There emerges a butterfly beautiful ...
Shedding the pupa of a cocooned life ...
Spreading its wings and flying away...
Soaring high ...
Higher towards the Sun ...
The rays deflecting off the wings ...
A beautiful creation of Nature ...
You become one with it ...
You become the very embodiment of freedom...
You represent life as it should be ...
You become the real YOU ... Testing your limits to the hilt...
Climbing mountains ...
Crossing seas ...
You become the master and commander of your destiny ...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The hate is REAL ! #GoFigure

That ugly frizzled hair woman...
The charlatan...
The home breaker...
How does she sleep each night...
Knowing well that she's displaced a family...
Made kids fatherless...
Kids who lost their childhood...
How does she get her forty winks even ? ...
The hatred for her is real ...
Big time ...
The hate is real ...
And, the nincompoop whi played along...
Still playing elsewhere...
For the fortune he hopes to inherit some day...
Little knowing that he's being played along ...
Nothing else ! #GoFigure

Friday, October 14, 2022

Of diamonds and rubies ! #GoFigure

When an unhappily married man...
A man who married for money...
Gives a diamond and Ruby ring to his ugly spouse...
Know it well...
A similar jewellery...
He has given a similar jewellery to his mistress Nigar too...
He's guilty and...
History repeats itself...
He's hiding his infidelity...
With a diamond and ruby ring...
So be under no pretenses...
Do not strut around like a proud peacock...
In this instance...
An ugly peahen...
He doesn't love you...
He loves your inheritance...
And he's hiding his infidelity...
Behind a diamond and ruby ring ! #GoFigure 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Nigar Fatima Husain... The Home breaker ! #GoFigure

This is the story of the woman...
Who broke one too many homes ...
Including hers.
Nigar Fatima Husain...
She left her husband for her husband ...
Yet remains single...
And still frolicks with him ...
Behind the back of his second wife ...
Either the second one knows and turns a blind eye...
Or is totally unaware of their liaison...
Nigar Fatima Husain...
Snatched the childhood away of two innocent children...
She invaded the home of a perfect couple...
Wait! Was it really a perfect home?
Wasn't the husband an alway infidel bastard ...
He married the second one for her money...
He left the first for his uncontrollable libido ...
Abandoning his own flesh and blood...
In search of his lust and horny desire fulfillment...
Nigar Fatima Husain, continues to be concubine behind the shades of grey ...
He continues to wretchedly enjoy the sins of flesh...
Under the garb of sainthood ! #GoFigure 

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger! #GoFigure

Being strong is her bane today...
But once upon a time...
Being strong eluded her ...
What with societal norms...
And orthodox thoughts...
They still exist but...
In a subtle manner ...
Under different guises of support...
But none the less...
Barricades and obstacles to being a strong woman...
They tried to kill her ...
Under different pretexts ...
If they couldn't kill her physically...
They tried mental and emotional torture ...
They thought they had succeeded ...
Yet, she emerged from her ashes...
Bigger and stronger ...
Fir what doesn't kill you...
Makes you stronger ! #GoFigure