Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Testing one's limits ... #GoFigure

When you have lived a protected life of luxury...
When you didn't have to think twice about anything ...
Thence commences a thousand thoughts ...
In the sheer boredom of the moment...
You decide to go rogue ...
Rogue on your luxuries ...
Rogue on a life well protected...
You take a chance...
You don't regret it ever ...
For whence you decided to break free ...
From the shackles of a pruned existence ...
There emerges a butterfly beautiful ...
Shedding the pupa of a cocooned life ...
Spreading its wings and flying away...
Soaring high ...
Higher towards the Sun ...
The rays deflecting off the wings ...
A beautiful creation of Nature ...
You become one with it ...
You become the very embodiment of freedom...
You represent life as it should be ...
You become the real YOU ... Testing your limits to the hilt...
Climbing mountains ...
Crossing seas ...
You become the master and commander of your destiny ...

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