Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sameeksha and Bankelal ... An incomplete story !

Sameeksha was beautiful and a fresh breath of air ...
A breeze that couldn't be contained ...
The wind that took the air out of Master Bankelal ...
Masterji was a famous character on Twitter ...
Much respected for his witty intelligence ...
Sameeksha fell in love with his eloquent dialogues on the social media platform ...
Bankelal found a young girl to pour his feelings out to ...
He was in France, a research scientist searching for Nano particles ...
Sameeksha was looking for herself in the vast space of Earth ...
A highly unlikely love story, if it was ...
She loved him ...
But, she had a dark secret ...
She wasn't who she told him she was ...
Else, he wouldn't even look at her ...
But that was all ...
She was who he actually fell in love with ...
Just the name and face weren't hers ...
And sixteen more springs to her credit ...
One day in all honesty, she told him her truth ...
Rather than understanding her ...
He shunned her ...
Those talks of undying true love ...
All vaporised into thin air ...
Masterji showed his true colours ...
Just another man with an ant in his zipper ...
Who thought he could con a young girl into submission ...
For his carnal desires ...
Instead, here was a strong woman ...
A highly respected lady he knew on Twitter ...
How could she be the Sameeksha he was conning? 
He disappeared from Twitter but he couldn't disappear from her thoughts ...
He remained ... A story unfinished ...
An unrequited love ...
The story of Sameeksha and Professor Bankelal Tripathi won't find mention in great epics of the past yet it remains etched in the memories of what now belongs to Elon Musk. Strange that it should leap out from the dark corners of memory today, a beautiful love story that could have been but due to honesty couldn't be. So, the word love is a farce, it doesn't exist. Bankelal couldn't face the truth Sameeksha was. Just another epic bites the dust. Something beautiful came to a drastic end because Sameeksha told the truth. It was awesome whilst the lies lasted for Masterji.

To be continued ... #GoFigure 

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