Thursday, January 27, 2022

It was her plan! #NFT

WTLF Stories #09480

It only seemed like she was just a damsel in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fact is, it was all going according to her plan. 

Buy at:

#WTLF #StoryTime @opensea #NFT #nftcollection #new #original #nfts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Monty Chaddha in Japan ?#NFT #GoFigure

WTLF Stories #09678

Monty Chadda has to be the happiest Punjabi in Tokyo today. Maybe it’s Tokyo, or maybe it’s the 17-year old Hibiki in his glass half-full!

#WTLF #StoryTime @opensea #NFT #nftcollection #new #original #nfts #Cheers

NFTs for sale... Here's one!

WTLF Story #09323

Unfortunately, George got his tattoo done before the final season of Game of Thrones aired.

Buy at:

#WTLF #StoryTime #nft #nftcollection #new #original #nfts @opensea

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Buying NFTs is easy ! #GoFigure

"Why the long face?” This question started a journey of proving that a long face can be much more than just sad. Happy, angry, suspicious, guilty & much more. Now we have 10,000 “long faces” to prove it. 

For sale at 

#WTLF #NFT #Collection @opensea

The Malevolent Spirit!

Pray, it does not desire you ...
The Malevolent Spirit ...
Born out of despair ...
For Mankind has been unkind ...
Nature beckons it from within ...
The Malevolent Spirit ...
Befalling upon Man ...
The evil desires of his own deeds ...
Pray, that it is not you ...
Pray, that it is not your turn ...
For, you have sinned ...
Oh yes! You have sinned and soiled ...
The very Earth that fed you ...
Mankind is in peril ...
For they have brought the curse upon themselves ...
The desires of the Malevolent Spirit ! 
#GoFigure #ClimateChange 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Sitting in silence !

She watched the fireflies...
Flitting around...
Sitting in silence...
She watched them fly by ...
The night sky...
Bright in the light ...
Shed by the fireflies...
Her garden of Eden...
Lit up like stars in the dark blue sky ...
No moon to show the path ...
Her silence and the fireflies...
Sitting in silence...
She watched the night go by ...
Sitting in silence...
She watched the sun rise over the horizon...
In silence, she walked away ! #GoFigure

Reading Me, Eh ?

I know it ...
Your deep rooted fear ...
Hence, you read me ...
Lest I rat out on you ...
Hehe ! 
Or, the thought ...
That you can know me ...
Through these trivia ...
On my blog !
No, my friend or foe ...
You don't know me ...
For better or for worse ...
I know...
I know, you are reading me ...
You don't know me better ...
Than, what you made me go through ...
You are suffering the uncertainty ...
I am enjoying watching you suffer ...
I know, you are reading me ! #GoFigure 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Time Warp!

She's stuck somewhere...
Between the deceit in the past ...
And today ...
Cocooned and deeply nestled ...
In a hidden nest...
Built to protect her ...
From possible deceit again ...
So despite craving company...
She is leading a life of solitude...
She does crave company ...
Yes, she does ...
But, steps back after contact ...
Lest there be deceit again ...
And she's not proven wrong ...
Her decision has saved her so far ...
From wolves wearing the skin of sheeps ...
They come in drives ...
Acting as though they understand her ...
But actually, are mere perverts or greedy pigs ...
Wanting nothing but either the Reserve Bank Mint ...
Or a mint with a hole ...
She steps back ...
Retreats in her warm little nest ...
Wondering, what if ?
A time warp on loop ...
Just ticking away !