Sunday, September 9, 2018

Derring do...

Getting lost in sheroic tales of love and woes ...
All sorts of Shenanigans...
Derring dos a part of life ...
She starts reimagining.

As a she warrior on the emotional front...
She has lots to keep her occupied...
Her mind a treasure trove of ideas...
Her heart set upon one...
She sashays into places unknown...
Places kept locked...
Unlocking the prisms of reality ...
She is her own heroine.

Her Derring dos talk of the Town...
Hushed whispers...
Eyes following her moves...
She smiles to herself...
Dons her beanie and ...
Hope into a waiting cab.

They whisper...
When will she return...
She throws back a look and...
Says , Never.

The heroine of her own tales...
The Shero of her own life...
She flexes her biceps...
And gets those hamstrings moving.

With a deep breath inhaled...
She gulps down her insecurities...
They don't exist anymore...
For she rises from her ashes yet again...
Her shenanigans and Derring dos...
In her list to do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hands of destiny

We are but puppets in the hands of destiny.
What would happen when is not known.
It's the moment that we are in, we must live;
For there is no tomorrow.
What will happen tomorrow is not known.
The twist that fate takes ...
Is a very cruel twist
The blow dealt by fate ,
Some succumb to it ,
Some go with the flow,
And some,
Drown in that deep swirling river.
An untimely,
Unexpected death awaits us ...
Awaits us menacingly,
Looming large ,
With a gaping mouth,
Dark constellations within.
We are but puppets in the hands of fate ...
Our destiny not known.

Monday, September 3, 2018

It is love we must hold on to...

Sometimes we try ...
Try very hard to forget...
Moments etched in memory...
But it is love that remains...
When all is lost ...
It is love we can't forget...
So we wait an eternity...
For the lost one to find his way home...
It is love we must hold on to...
Nothing else matters...
Painful moments melt away ...
When love is found again ...
Till then...
We live in aches and memories of the past ...
Till Love finds us again.

A Wedding and a Funeral

What happens ultimately in our lives...
Is a hand dealt by destiny.
A wedding somewhere and a funeral somewhere...
The cycle goes on ...
Back and forth ...
Through the curves of our lives ...
She tries to comprehend it all...
Alas! In vain.

There can be no other ...
She's tried it all ...
None matches, what she had ...
Not even an inch closer.
She looks at the casket of life past ...
Should she open the Pandora's Box?
Then she looks beyond and yonder...
And like an explorer gathers her belongings...
Makes a bundle of her memories
And, moves on.
The sharks in the sea of live ...
Swimming around...
The vultures hovering above ...
She takes a plunge in the ocean ...
Floating on her back ...
Looking at the sky above ...
The clouds in various formations...
Making out the patterns ...
Finding a meaning to it.

A wedding of her thoughts ...
A culmination of sorts ...
Consummated ideas...
A funeral of her recent past.

A Player

"Are you in love with him?"
"Who wouldn't be?"
"What kind of answer is that?"
"An honest answer."
"Are YOU in love with him?"
"I might be if I weren't in love with you."
"How am I supposed to take that information?"
"Trust me."
"I can't."
They survived,
They survived only to go their separate ways one day.
He was a player...
Players just move on ...
They have no intent to remain with one ...
They just move on.
He moved on ...
In search of another to trap.

Vagabond Virgin Invaded

Cidade Daman was a dream affair. Wild passionate love making by the Sea, walk along the promenade, sitting on the steps leading to the beach and talking into the Sunset . Back to the room, their muse the bath tub of course! Then dinner by the breezy Sea beach. They couldn't let go of each other even for a moment. They had merged and melted into one being.
Morning breakfast and they set for drive home but couldn't even imagine parting for a moment. Music and songs and unabashedly gay abandon laughter , they were madly in love.

Then, a few days later it was her birthday and again he whisked her away to The Retreat at Madh Island and the Sea became a witness to the conjugal harmony. Waking up in his arms , she was content with life. No worries ; just them. Morning tea, breakfast and then head to respective homes.
Meeting everyday literally became a routine. He would visit her school and she would visit his office after work. Evenings would be long drives along U Tan road or dinner at restaurants both pitching in and sweet nothings and walking the promenade at Hiranandani Powai, getting customized paan made to order by jewel pan wala and others. Life was beautiful. They were totally and madly in love , painting the town red. Booking literally every five star hotel for the weekends be it The Trident or Taj Vivanta, U Tan Resort or The Lalit ... They were all over Bombay as they would refer Mumbai as.

He introduced her to his sons and mother. They went for dinner and movie with Mom. She came home cooked with passion .

For his birthday, she arrived a day early and cooked and baked a singularly chocolate cake. At 12 am on 25th June 2018, they connected via video call with the older son and I  all of them celebrated his birthday. That night she slept with his mom, who hardly slept and she took his moms sleeping pill and tried to sleep too. The morning saw her up and ready to celebrate his birthday at his office. They had a hearty breakfast of aloo parathas and she had four. Then they left for his office. While he worked she arranged for sweets and savouries and then they celebrated his birthday with his office staff. Everyone was happy.

Then they left for the day and he said let's go to the beauty salon and get your hair coloured. Little did he know that the staff at EnVi was waiting to pamper him on his birthday.

Both got their hair coloured, facial, pedicure done and he got a manicure too.

The bill was whopping and he couldn't stop sobbing.

It was fun.

They parted ways for the day.

To be continued...

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Remembering the vagabond days ...

They met one new year's Eve, online ; Yes! On an online dating site #Tinder , Little did they know , that one virtual reality meeting would change everything for them, turn their lives upside down.

The online chat led to an exchange of their mobile numbers.

The next pitstop was WhatsApp chat . It went on till 5:30 am into the New year 2018. They weren't sleepy, they were totally engrossed in singing their hearts out; Retro Hindi songs ... Sharing YouTube links of favourite songs. He sings in a group so he shared his songs, YouTube links.

They didn't want to part yet they did.
One whole day went by, each waiting for the other to connect. Finally, he couldn't resist and connected and they were like teenagers on their first crush.

They decided to meet. Meet they did, at Agent Jack ... Then they went all around the town to various pubs and ended the whirlwind date at Tap Andheri West at 4 am in the wee hours of the next day. Pure, sinless partying ... Just a kiss !! One kiss and they knew they were falling for each other. They parted ways and went to their own respective homes.

They would chat over calls and messages and meet often and go galavanting around the town. Pure love and freshness of a true friendship blossoming into love.

Going to Pizza by the way and on the way out rushing into a double decker bus waiting at the circle going towards NCPA  Nariman point. Ah! Wild streak exposed. Getting off the bus and hailing a kaali peeli taxi ... And a cab ride through South Bombay via Victoria Terminus now CST to lower parel ... Vegetarian pasta by mistake in a small restaurant and then the Lounge on the 37th floor of St. Regis. They were crazy and in love.

They booked a room at Ramada Plaza hotel at Juhu and cabbed it till there and the night was wild. Real wild ... morning after a hearty breakfast buffet and steamy love making they parted ways.

The phone calls and messaging continued with sweet nothings.

One day while at work...
In the afternoon, he arrived at her workplace and whisked her off to Daman ... They watched the sun set and Cidade Daman was booked.

To be continued...

When you have a crush on your Doctor!

She  is bubbly and smiling ...
Listening to medical advice from her Doctor all the time...
But the Crux of the matter is ...
She is repeatedly listening to the voice messages ...
Over and over again ...
No, not to understand the INSTRUCTIONS...
Which are very clear ...
But, his voice ...
She's crazy about his voice...
Just as much as she's crazy about his eyes...
Mesmerizing cool eyes...
Hypnotizing eyes...
Eyes in which she drowns ...
Loses herself every time she meets him...
She sits dutifully in front of him ...
He lectures her ...
And she just drowns deeper into his eyes...

The nieces and nephews whisper...
She's having a crush on her Doctor ...
She blushes and hides behind a curtain.

She dutifully reports her food diet to him ...
Come hail or thunderstorm...
She waits for his voice message...
Just to hear his voice...
Soft, but stern ... So sexy...
What a Doctor!
He knows everything about her...
Even before she utters a word ...
She gets butterflies in her tummy ...
As the moment draws near to meet him ...
Crush or no crush...
She's crazy about him...
He's the one who is stronger than her.