Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Sanitary Pad Wonders...

Used and thrown ...
A sanitary pad wonders ...
Why is it that when they need me...
In their hour of need ...
They use me ...
They wear me for a couple of hours...
And then ...
And then they discard me ?
Why do they do that?
One time use?
No more of use to them anymore...
A Sanitary Pad wonders...

No excuse needed...

No explanation...
No excuses needed...
For a spineless decision...
The deed is done...
No respect left ...
Just remorse...
Move on ...
Let her be...
She's  better off without him...
Life comes one full circle...
Hope you don't get entangled in the mesh.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Gut instinct...

Her apprehensions...
Her doubts...
All put to rest...
Her gut instinct came true...
All doubts, apprehensions and fear ...
Turned out positive...
How could she allow him...
To walk all over her again and again?
She's been a fool...
Thinking it's love ...
It's not love if they keep you as an option...
It's never love ...
It's just ...
Never love...
Walk away she must...
From the negativity...
Walk away she must for her sanity...
Walk away she must for her vanity...
Walk away she must for her dignity...
Her gut instinct says so ...
Should she pay heed ...
Or remain the same abominable fool?

What a fool!

What a fool she's been...
Oh Damn!
It was written large in his actions...
His nonchalance attitude...
Bespoke it ...
Damn it girl!!!
You did get the hint ?
Oh ! What a fool has she been...
To have believed his lies...
Getting carried away in emotions...
The emotional fool...
Once again...
Has been played around with...
Damn it!!
Why does she fall for these ploys?
Oblivious to the truth...
Time and again...
He goes back on his words ...
Time and again he retracts his vows.
The hopeless romantic...
She's but a fool...
To have believed EVERY word of his ...
All that he wanted was ...
He got ...
Now he doesn't need her.
Once again, he's fooled her ...
Once again she dives deep in depression...
Once again...
Once again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Stolen kisses ...

Those moments of borrowed Happiness...
Stolen kisses and warm hugs ...
Oh yes! Warm, hurried hugs ...
In the silver sunset years ...
They are a welcome sight to see...
They are welcome to the feelings club...
Ah yes! The moments of hilarious fumblings...
Of necking when none sees ...
Oh those jumpy moments...
Of cuddles and cooing ...
Stolen kisses taste best ...
When heeats are aflutter...
Beeping heartbeats...
Blinking eyes...
Ah! The stolen kisses moments.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Fragile, handle with care...

Designed of soft scars ...
She was tell tale signs ...
Of she having having lost a game called...
‘Don’t mess with love’...
With her very self ...
Down in dumps ...
Sad, morose ...
She limps away ...
Hurt, in pain...
Pasted on her ...
Fragile, handle with Care.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Love ... So innocent

Love is so innocent when it's pure...
In it's nascent stage ...
We live on love and fresh air ...
All care thrown to the wind...
Love, pure love. Sigh!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

In her private hell...

Life sighs a last whimper...
In her private hell...
Lights dim...
Sounds muffled...
Not a leaf moves...
No air breezes past ...
All is at standstill...
In her private hell.