Monday, June 4, 2018

Antardwand ... The Battle Within...

Worry not when she becomes overbearing...
Worry, when she stops giving a fuck...
Now, don't you go reading between the lines or delving deep into this ...
These are musings of a lonely mind ...
Not for you to read into and jumping to conclusions.
Ha ha ha ...

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Zindagi ko ek thehrav mil gaya hai...
Bhaagti daudti zindagi ko ek padaav mil gaya hai...
Ucchalti leheron ko kinara mil gaya hai...
Machalti umangon ko sahara mil gaya hai...
Zindagi ko ek thehrav mil gaya hai.
I was a wild untamed river...

"And now you have mellowed down?" He asked ...
"Like a calm stable water spring ?"
She smiled benevolently and Said "Like a gurgling Brooke...
You make me calm...
Your thoughts make me smile a gentle smile...
The corners of my eyes glistening with a tear unshed...
A tear of happiness...
The wrinkles and crows feet reminder of struggle of yesteryears...
The gleaming smile the happiness of today...
Am at peace when I am with you."


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Today I write for you my love...

Today I write for you my love ...
She said ...
Remember how we met ...
A virtual meeting that led to ...
A whirlwind first date ...
Pubhopping , dancing and singing ...
Just being silly old fools ...
All care thrown to the winds ...
Oblivious of the stares and hushed whispers ...
Yes, coz' we ran a riot across the burbs of Bombay city ...
Two old souls just happy being in their skins ...
No expectations, no inhibitions...
Just Us .

Remember, we parted in separate cabs , she said ...
But we we're constantly in touch via messages...
We didn't sleep ...
We decided on yet another date ...
To the town ...
The place of our respective youths.

Remember the strawberry festival at Talk of the Town , now ...
Pizza by the bay ..m
And then the sudden impromptu leap ...
Into the double decker bus waiting at the signal outside...
The driver and the conductor zapped the lightning quick move with which we clambered to the top and ...
Placed ourselves in the first seat with 360 degree view of the city ahead ...
Remember still, she said ...
The rush down to the Mantralaya bus stop and walking on the paved footpath...
Towards NCPA and the Marine drive ...
The hopping and jumping ...
The holding of hands ...
The warm hugs ...
And then, she continued...
Yet again, hopping into a taxi ...
The yellow and black cab ...
Winding our way through churchgate, metro and Victoria Terminus ...
Towards Lower Parel ...
And ...
By mistake entering a vegetarian pasta joint ...
Enjoying some pasta and then again ...
My love she whispered...
We went up 37 floors at St. Regis ...
We were the only ones in their lounge bar ...
Then ...
Yet again, we we're so in love that we forgot we had to go home ...
And we headed towards the Juhu Beach ...
Rest is history my love ...
The wild infantile love we share ...
Has no expectations...
It's pure love ...
Based on a need to be free to express ...
Express whatever is within us ...
Such love is rare to find ...
Cherish it ...
Cherish the moments...
These moments never return ...
You can only remember them ...
Remember not with a sigh , she said ...
Remember, so you can relive them ...
Feel love once again when ...
Life tires you out...
Let's go make some more moments...
So history remembers us ...
As the wild untamed beasts ...
That we are #GoFigure ... To be continued...


Magic is a girl with a flower crown on her mind, a fire in her heart, and a sprinkle of night on her soul...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Trying times...

Trying times test the depth of a relationship...
Good times don't...
How well one takes duress in a relationship...
Proves your commitment...
Sticking together during stress and strain ...
Proves your commitment...
Else if you can't take it ...
It proves your intentions were never pure ...
You were just passing your time...
Having a good time at the others expense.

Compromising with love...

Not her cup of tea ...
Compromising with love ...
If you want to move on ...
Move on ...
Do not knock on her door and do small talks ...
When you do that...
You raise her hopes...
Don't raise false hopes...
If you are coping with your dilemma...
Do it on your own ...
It's your road trip...
Not hers ...
She knows what she desires ...
If she has to go hiking on her own...
She will leave ...
No questions asked ...
No permissions taken...
Everyone comes alone and goes alone ...
You want to travel with her ...
It's your decision ...
Tomorrow don't give her lame reasons to back out of a commitment.
Life is complex as it is...
Don't make it worse for her...
She can't unlove you...
You fight your demons...
Fight your demons...
She needs a Knight not a coward...
Beside her ...
Her journey is unpredictable...
Don't anchor her down...
You loved her free spirit...
You doted over her free speech ...
Why is it that now you doubt your commitment?
There's no compromising on love ...
Love has to be pure...
Love has to be giving , without being asked ...
Love cannot be demanded...
She has no intention of finding another...
You can't love every Tom, Dick or Harry...
She isn't fickle.

There's no compromising with love for her #GoFigure

The Milky way ...

Aakash Ganga Surya Chandra Taara ...
Sandhya Usha koi na nathi ...
Koni Bhoomi koni Nadi...
Koni Saagardhara ...
Sundarta kaaj banaa vividh rang ...
The milky way... The Sun , moon and stars ...
The Sunset, the sunrise ... Nothing exists ...
What land, what river...
What ocean are we talking about...
Beauty is made by the colours of all these elements...
So are emotions ...
A vivid hue ...
Of thoughts racing through our minds...
The impermanence of all things old and new...
Relationships fragile ...
Like glassware ...
Ready to shatter under stress.

All things fragile...