Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Musings on the way ...

Pouring out to her hearts content ...
That too on the way ...
By the way ...
Musings ...
Tantamount to raising a few brows ...
Leading to misleading thoughts ...
That's the ROFL moment...
When based on your musings ...
People break relations ...
Not for the weak hearted are these words...
You have to be a Lionheart to digest her statements...
Words penned along the journey between workplaces...
Releasing the stress ...
Spinning webs of imagination...
She moves ...
Like a Hydra ...
Tentacles spreading here and there ...
Giving shape to thoughts...
Misshaping common misnomers...
Realizing absurdity of people...
Getting a reality check...
She enjoys the freedom of speech...
A speech that exposes the weak...
Words that unfurl the naked truth.

Musings of the heart ...
The mind ...
The whole self ...
Bringing the world down for some ...
Breaking even at some point...
All along the way.

Trigger Happy ...

She's happy...
Very happy...
A heavy load off her chest ...
One more place to create ...
Beautiful memories to make ...
Something to keep her occupied...
Something to keep her mind off the rigours of human life ...
A rigmarole of activities...
Running from pillar to post ...
Thank God for small mercies.

Rude, is it ? Or ...


What a lame excuse to be given...
Rude behavior?
First you press the trigger...
When recoil happens...
You scoot ...
What a way to run!
Like a coward or...
Like someone who wanted a reason to leave...
Shooting from her shoulder...
Blaming her for everything...
Not looking within...
You started it ... From your end
You ended it... From your end ...
At your convenience...
She didn't.
She played the game your way...
At your behest ...
Your rules...
Your conditions...
She was just a pawn ...
You planned and played well...
But you ain't the winner...
You are the biggest loser...
Showing your spinelessness...
Just like your Creed...
Just another one like them...
No wonder you suffer...
And shall suffer more forever.

Walking towards the horizon...

Lost in thoughtless thoughts...
She makes her way through the melee' ...
The crowd disperses upon her approach...
Making way for her...
They can see the wild madness in her walk ...
The vacant brown eyes...
As though she was carrying herself ...
To be laid to rest at Sea.

She walks on the scorching sand ...
Into the warm frothy waves...
Their arms welcoming her to Sea...
The horizon getting near.

Wading through the salty mist ...
Droplets on her cheeks ...
Are they from Sea water or salt from  the water in her eyes?

Walking into the horizon...
All care let loose ...
The cries of her loved ones ...
Stifled by the roaring waves ...
She disappears ...
Never a look behind...
Lost to all and sundry ...
One more life to love.

She remembers...

She remembers Telling him...
Understand me when I am down and out ...
Be there in trying times...
There will be moments of frustration...
When I want to give up...
Be there for me...
Understand me.

She told him...
You are my pillar of strength...
Don't give up on me...
Even when I give up on myself...
He seems to have forgotten those words...
He seems to have forgotten his promise...
To stick by her ...
Come what may ...
In this moment of despair...
She plunges deep in ...
The dungeons of solitude...
A solitary confinement...
Quite evident in her stoic silence to the world.
She had asked him to understand her ...
How could he forget that ?

All he read were words poured in despondent delinquency...
He didn't understand her.

She's lost ...

Emptiness within...
Abyss ahead...
Darkness behind...
She's lost.

The moment...

The moment she hears his voice...
She melts...
All the anger within...
The resentment, melts...
It just disappears...
The power of love is so strong...
It lifts a downtrodden mood ...
And once again...
She soars into the sky ...
Awaiting the showers of love.


Some are lost on the way ...
Some leave along the way ...
Some just fade away ...
Some remain as memories...
Some become artifacts ...
Some are just numbers...
Numbers in your contact book ...
Blocked numbers ...
A mistake to be never repeated again...
To be forgotten in time ...
Never to cross paths again ...
Some die a natural death ...
Some a violent one ...
But eventually they do die ...
In those moments...
Memories flash by ...
Only memories, nothing else.