Sunday, February 4, 2018

The woe of a woman

She is expected to be the best ...
The best daughter...
The best sister...
The best wife...
The best daughter in law...
The best mother ...
When will she the be herself?
The woe of a woman...
In a society full of expectations.

She screams to be heard ...
She sobs for attention ...
She cries for freedom ...
The freedom to express her wants ...
The freedom to express her desires ...
The freedom to be herself ...
The cries stifled by a society ...
Hapless cries for help ...
She retreats into her cocoon ...
A safe haven ...
From all wants and desires ....
A safe haven unaffected by her presence ...
In a material material world.

The woe of a woman ...
Knoweth none.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Six Dates ...

A thought to contemplate...
View upon the events ...
Post the Sixth date...
Oh yes! Nothing to figure about...
Yet, everything to think upon...
Counting on blessings ...
Showered upon from heaven...
Wondering if it's a dream...
Keeping fingers crossed.

Magical moments created impromptu...
Surprises galore...
Is it a dream?
Or, a reality not imagined ...
Unimaginable reality so to say ...
A dream unfolding...
Sweet memories being made ...
A look at the raging sea ...
Emotions rearing their head in the heart...
Yet so simple...
Yet so quiet...
Yet so unreal...
Moments to be cherished...
Memories being created...
In six sweet dates.

Not one moment to be missed ...
Kisses stolen and cherished ...
Murmurs in hushed tones...
Sweet nothings whispered...
Momentous tumultuous emotions...
The ups and downs of thoughts...
Put to rest with surprise dates ...
Long drives ...
Sandy beaches ...
Golden sunsets ...
Chilled out mornings ...
Rushed moments between schedules...
A hectic city life ...
The paraphernalia of modern living.

Magic created in Six Dates ...
Many more tricks up his sleeves ...
He makes her feel like a woman again...
A woman born again ...
In six magical dates.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

मैं ही क्यों?

वक़्त का तकाज़ा है,
रैन गयी सो बात गयी।

वक़्त क्या नहीं सिखला देता है,
सब कुछ तोह वक़्त पर निर्भर है ,
व्यक्ति विशेष तो मात्र एक प्यादा है,
खेल तो कोई और ही खेल रहा है।

हर बात पे एक बात भारी है ,
मैं ही क्यों?
हर कोई यही सोच कर बैठा है
कि मैं ही क्यों फलाना काम करूं
मैं ही क्यों तड़प तड़प कर जियूँ,
बस मैं ही क्यों?

आज जब हमने भी अकड़ दिखाई
तो वो बोले
भाया ना कर ये ज़िद्द,
इस ज़द्दोज़हद में उम्र गुज़र जानी है,
छड्ड परे ये जज़्बात,
जी ले अपनी ज़िंदगी ज़िंदादिली से।

हम अभी तो मिलें हैं कल परसों,
ये इश्क़ अब भी नया है,
क्यों इस पर ग्रहण लगाती हो प्रिये,
चलो छोडो ये बातें
आओ इश्क़ के समंदर में गोते लगाएं।

उनके यही अदा तो हमें भाती हैं,
कभी नीम नहीं,
बस मीठी मीठी रसभरी बातें।

पर फिर भी ज़ेहन में उभर कर आता है सवाल,
मैं ही क्यों?

Monday, January 22, 2018

Basement Romance...

It was all that was to it ...
Just another basement romance for him ...
A call before reaching home...
Hushed tones ...
Under the building in the parking lot ...
A fool she was to believe the whispered words...
A fool she remained.

Under the hood ...

The romantic interludes...
The sweet nothings...
All under the hood ...
Wondering whether true or false...
The feels understated stood ...
A bemused look in the eyes ...
She carried on ...
For, what the heck!!!
There was nothing to lose.

Hum ghoom chuke ...

रचनाकार: इब्ने इंशा

हम घूम चुके बस्ती-बन में
इक आस का फाँस लिए मन में
कोई साजन हो, कोई प्यारा हो
कोई दीपक हो, कोई तारा हो
जब जीवन-रात अंधेरी हो
इक बार कहो तुम मेरी हो।

जब सावन-बादल छाए हों
जब फागुन फूल खिलाए हों
जब चंदा रूप लुटाता हो
जब सूरज धूप नहाता हो
या शाम ने बस्ती घेरी हो
इक बार कहो तुम मेरी हो।

हाँ दिल का दामन फैला है
क्यों गोरी का दिल मैला है
हम कब तक पीत के धोखे में
तुम कब तक दूर झरोखे में
कब दीद से दिल की सेरी हो
इक बार कहो तुम मेरी हो।

क्या झगड़ा सूद-ख़सारे का
ये काज नहीं बंजारे का
सब सोना रूपा ले जाए
सब दुनिया, दुनिया ले जाए
तुम एक मुझे बहुतेरी हो
इक बार कहो तुम मेरी हो।

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Scrub hard, yet the surname remains...

Pumice stone, acid, what not...

She used all the available resources...
Resources to remove his existence...
His name from her name...
It remains...
It remains to torment her...
Every living moment, a death knell...
Every moment so painful...
The memories linger...
Tears welling up her eyes...
Eyes each morning a sight...
Reminding her of a sleepless night...
When will she be rid of it...
The pain of...
The pain of living...
A life so lifeless...
The solitude her own...
None to share with...
His children, a constant reminder of him...
This Pai, insurmountable...
A heavy load on her frail self...

How many pills to take...
To numb herself?

She scrubs her self...
Trying to rid herself of days gone past...
The memories return...
Each day a new pain...
Same pain, renewed each dawn and dusk...
She moves... Thinking...
She has moved on...
And the inevitable happens...
And the cycle begins.