Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A piece of him ...

Bits and pieces ...
Life comes in all sizes ...
A bit of him in her ...
She lives ...
Each day a trauma ...
Each dzy the bump growing ...
She live sto dread another day.

A piece of him ...
Left within her ...
She leads a terrible life.

She wNted to let him know...
The last time they met ...
But his arrogance ...
His attitude ..
Put heroff...
She decided to tread the road alone ...
With a bit of him within her...
Growing each day.

She finds solace ...
In his little ones ...knowing well
Carrying another soul within her ....
His piece ...
For her to remember ....
Never to forget him ever.

See the glow on her face...
Imminent motherhood in sight ...
She basks in the glory ...
Of yet another birth soon.
A pice of him within her ...
She remembers moments spent in his arms ...
Strong arms ...
Strong love ...
The result ...
A bit of him within her...
Forever for her to cherish...
To call her own.

The forgotten memories ...

They all come aflooding ...
Making melancholy ...
The heart that weeps ..
In silence it is trapped ...
Memories unfazed by pain ...
A blunt truth ...
A core reality ...
Long forgotten memories ...
Rushing in ....
A drop of tear ...
Wells up in the corner of the eye ...
Reminding her ...
She is but Human ...
And has feelings still.

Those brooding eyes ...
A depth unfathomed ...
She dives back into them ...
Forgetting herself ...
Forgetting who She is.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fictitious lies ...

No, I have no relations with Ms Tandon...
Vidya keeps calling me...
But, I never meet her...
I have chances to be with many Women ...
Am a dude ..
So handsome...
A proud peacock ...
But, I don't pop my cock out...
I am loyal to you ...
Believe my fucking lies honey...
I am a humble man ...
I only cheat on my wife ...
You are my World ...
I searched you ...
High and low...
All these years...
My antennas were up...
I bribed your brother ...
With talks of Monica Saini ...
Yeah ...
Be there for me always...
I need you ...
Am a broken man ....
I need your shoulders to cry on ...
Your pussy to expend my libido in.

Utter nonsense...
Fictitious lies...
A liar all the way.

The whore by his side...

She knows the story well...
She turns a blind eye to all...
For why should she...
Jeopardise her paradise...
For a rented life ...
When she is living rent free with him...
The whore beside him ...
Knows her yin from her yang.

She won't risk her luxuries...
Not barter her comfort...
For what is a jerk by him ...
Gonna make her lose...
Her enjoyment , a cushy life ...
Her pussy, a dry zone.
The whore beside him ...
Knows it all...
For she has the winning cards...
The issues he thinks are his...
Are they really his?
Doesn't seem so...
So different,  they look...
So unlike him...
He is just an unpaid servant...
Taking care of her sins.
The whore beside him ...
Smiles with her crooked teeth showing...
The glint in her eyes...
Say it all.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A slice of life...

Boredom, compels me to pen down my thoughts...
Anything and everything ...
Just anything ...
Out of the blue ...
Random thoughts ...
Moments from memories ...
Haunting insecurities ...
Just about anything ...
And, everything.
Not a word or feeling missed...
Right from the bottom of my heart....
A slice of life ...
Each time...
My life ...
Moments of my abominable life...
A life well lived ...
Not a relationship regretted...
Each a pearl of experience ...
Precious and beautiful.

A slice of life ...
My life.

Cry me a River ...

Without any remorse ...
He said...
Cry me a river ...
Is it so simple?
To just enter someone's life ...
And then ,
Just walk away...
Ear to ear ...
Another vanquished soul...
Another one destroyed.

So easy to cry a river ...
And walk away.
So easy to trap someone...
Use them...
And walk away.

Why walk in on someone's happiness...
Being aware of your status...
Why ruin a smile...
And , just walk away?

You are the accursed soul...
May there be no happiness in your life...
May you lose it all...
All that you love ...
May you lose it all.
Cry me a river dude.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ....

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ....: Gosh! Festival time and he grins .. Poses like a hero ... Little does she know ... His truth ... The con man ... The one who gets awa...

The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ...

Festival time and he grins ..
Poses like a hero ...
Little does she know ...
His truth ...
The con man ...
The one who gets away by lying.

Holding his little ones ...
A grim expression  on his face ...
But, with the fat one ...
A loving smile ...
Hiding his wicked acts ....
How far fetched  is that smile ...
Only She knows.

The one who preens in front of the life size mirror ...
The one who watches her slyly...
Yeah ! The Salesman ...
He and his ways ...
Of conning them all.

Hah... The grinning smile ...
So like him ...
The eyes they tell all ...
Of his wayward ways...
The Bong ...
The infidel Bastard of them all.