Sunday, September 23, 2012

Memory ....

Your memory is far better than mine ....
Mine is clogged with foggy ideas ...
My memory has lapsed ...
My memory is totally erased ...
My memory is nightmares ....
My memory is fazed with drugs ....
My memory is just a memory now ....
Nothing there ....
But a vast emptiness ....
After HIM ..... My soul left the body ...
What remained was just the mortal remains ...
Nothing else ....
I don't belong to this world ....
Kept the name ....
As that was my identity ....
Today have lost that too ...
I don't know who I am ...
Just a zombie walking the walk ...
And, talking the talk.

Mataji had a brilliant memory ....
An encyclopedia ....
The keeper of our History ...
Every moment ....
Every event ....
Every thing was at the tip of her tongue ...
A great friend and confidante'....
I miss her ...and our moments together ...
Rusk and tea ....
Pure Almond oil .....
Watching TV ....
THE Grand old lady ...
Who had lesser wrinkles than any of us.

Memories ..... that's all that is left after all.

Deleted ....

I deleted a lot from the past ...
So, I don't have your email id ....
Please send a tester mail if you have mine ...
 There's a lot that I erased ...
Now, memory loss ...
After losing all ...
But, am still slap jack happy ....
Coz' I have no burdens to carry ....
Just the baggage he left behind .....
After handing and taking over takes place ....
I can rest in peace....
Till then,
I toil daily to get them the best money can buy .....
But, not happiness....
Nor a family.
With me .... they will never have a family ....
Without me ....
I guess they will be happy.

I wasn't made for this World ....
I was a mistake of the Gods ...
I was a mistake of the Creator ....
I was the mistake of mankind ....
I was always a mistake .... for everyone.

I tried elimination of the mistake ....
But, survived the ordeal ....
With me gone ...
The world will be a better place to stay ...
A lot of people will heave a sigh of relief....
So many secrets ....
So many truths ...
Hidden in the depths of my mind and heart ......
The skeletons hidden in my cupboard.

So, I tried deleting all ...
The process is on ...
It takes time ....
I can neither forgive nor forget.


The Blame Game ...

The Guru of all fame ....
Fifteen minutes of limelight ...
The blame game ...
We all do ...
Some consciously ...
Some unconsciously ...
But, we all do it ....

We blame God for all our miseries ...
Gawd ... have a heart ...
Have you met him or her or IT ....
No, Then why blame God for all your shortcomings ?

Blame yourself ...
Blame that heart of yours that can't decipher ....
The code ...
The Good man or the Bad man ...
Blame your eyes ...
That can't see the truth behind the evil grin ....
Blame your mind ...
That disbelieves your gut feeling ....

Blame the rose tinted romance you feel ...
For it is blind ...
It can't see the intent of the evil man ....
Blame only yourself ...
No one else.

The last ACT ...

They all say .... One for the road ...
This is my last act ....
My last performance ...
My last appearance ....
But, they all make a comeback ...
We all do.

Just one bloody life to live ...
How can you just chuck it all up ...
and, move away ...
No ways ...
Gear up and fight ...
Fight the battles of your life ...
Fight your demons ...
Fight your fears ....
Fight those tears that well up in your eyes ...
Just FIGHT ....
Don't let this be your last act ...
It is only beginning ...
Lo Behold! The curtain is rising ...
Let's go take a bow ...
After the performance.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Teri Deewaani .....

Marr gayi mein ....
Mit gayi mein .....
Teri deewani ....
Naya iphone 5 .....

Am happy today ....

Am happy today ....
Had a great time singing golden oldies ....
With like minded people ...
Old men and women but great humans....
It was beautiful ....
Melodious with live music ....
People with feelings ....
Who felt great ...
I truly felt great .....
Am happy today ....
Had tears of joy in my eyes ....
Made new friends ....
Silver haired friends ...
But intellectuals .....
With a mind of their own.

New Role ...

A new role to play .....
An offer I couldn't refuse ....
So am off to learn the ropes anew ...
Be a new self ...
A different Avatar ...
Late but not so late in life ...
Follow my imagination ...
Be myself for once ...
Be a different me at last ....
Do things differently ...
A new adventure ...
A new thrill ...
A new high ... no drug can give ....
I am here at last ....
The best mastermind to solve unsolved cases ...
What say Watson?....
Elementary after all.