Thursday, September 8, 2016

When ...

When everything falls into place and you wonder, what next? ... That's the stage she is in ; wondering WHAT NEXT!

There comes a time when whatever you have been has come to fruition and you upto your neck done with it and the monotony of daily routine becomes overwhelming , and you wonder what next?

What is it that needs to be tackled?
Do I need to take the plunge and start afresh?
Is the fight worth it?
Should I start a new venture?
We need that self affirmation to believe in ourselves to dive into a new adventure?
Is the adventure worth the time, peace of mind and money?

And, the heart the silly old romantic fool says YES ... Go ahead, you have nothing to lose ... Just jump in and start a new game of life and wonder.

The shrewd mind on the other hand says , play it safe honey; you ain't getting young ... Give yourself a break and go fulfill your Bucket list.

She wonders ... will I be able to adjust to a new routine of nothingness after so many fulfilling years?

When it comes to decisions these dilemmas make you weak ... but what the heck, life is all about taking risks and she is ready for yet another adventure ...

An adventure that will test her wits and patience ... Her endurance and belief will be tested ... Hope she comes out victorious ... Her belief in her strengths intact.

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