Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oceans Apart ...

Miles apart...
Countless miles ...
They pine for each other ...
Like Oceans apart ...
Mountains as barricades ...
They desire proximity ...
Yet, miles separating them...
They are but one ...
Two Hearts but one Soul.

They glide through ...
In their dreams ...
In each others arms they rest ...
They believe in each other ...
They fall apart if away even for a moment ...
Not a moment goes ...
When they don't remind each other..
Of their existence ..Their presence ...
A whiff of fresh air ...
In the sultry afternoons ...
Humid nights ...
None can keep them away.

Oceans apart ...
They wait ...
Sighing upon a full moon...
Meaningful existence ...
Theirs forever to cherish.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Maori Connection ...

There is aboriginal feeling ...
An intuition of sorts ...
Deep rooted thoughts ...
Putting it all together ...
The geyserly mind ...
Erupting with steamy lines ...
An old connection ...
With something Maori...
The tribe that knows it all...
Nature its tell tale signs...
Wind, water,  Sun ...
All along.

In the air ...
Whistles the whispers ...
Of tales untold ...
Unfurling the flsmes...
Locked within.

A pressure building up ...
Shooting up towards the sky ...
Scalding the skin that touches the steam ...
Scarring them for life.

Thr Maories call it justice ...
Fury of the nature ...
Fury of a woman in rage.

The Maori connection is strong ...
The howling wind whispers his name ...
A new rage engulfs her being ...
Destroying all in its path.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Grief embraces her ...

Yet again ...
Fate brings its fruits ...
Destiny plays its part ...
Yet again ...
Grief embraces her...
Engulfs her in a vicious grip...
Embalming pain on her heart.

Grief embraces her soul...
Tears her apart...
Reminding her ...
Happiness is not her cup of tea ...
Nor is it in her kitty.

Yet again ...
She walks her lonely path...
Crawls into her solitude ...
Hides her pain ...
Behind a mask of stoic silence ...
A melancholy smile pasted...
On a face pale and white.

Grief embraces her ...
She walks in the unseasonal rains ...
Tears mingling with raindrops...
Salt diluting on the way.