Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lights, Camera ... Action ... Pack up...

Strobe lights....
Bright lights...
Flash lights ...
My gawd.... when will all this end ...
Yeah, the diary of a celebrity ...
I know ...
It becomes difficult to move around ...
One word and it is news ....
Makes headlines ...
One step outside ...
And. heads turns....
Oh! It's a great responsibility to be a headturner ...
A celebrity ....
You still don't know me ...
I wear a mask and move ....
The mask removed will put you to shame....
You gave up on the best...
Lights, camera, action ......
And, Now....
Pack up.....Mask has to be put on ...
So the World doesn't recognize me.

How To Take An Interview!!

Numb....Sync Masta Style

Numb....Sync Masta Style

How To Take An Interview!!

Given Up...SyncMaster Style

Numb....Sync Masta Style

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A new start ...

A new beginning ...
New friends ...
New relations ....
New status ...
New found everything ....
The past a bleak past now ...
Just a scar ....
That will get wiped out with time....
Crazy ... it may seem so ....
Cupid played his part ....
Now only time will tell ...
Whether the hot headed male ...
Will ever head this way.

Like his style ...
No nonsense ...
Just himself ...
Np pretenses ..
It's not yet begun ...
Yet I feel bonded.

A new start .. a new beginning ...
With gusto and sly remarks ...
Hints ..
If understood ....
Should lead the way to my heart.