Saturday, September 29, 2012

A new start ...

A new beginning ...
New friends ...
New relations ....
New status ...
New found everything ....
The past a bleak past now ...
Just a scar ....
That will get wiped out with time....
Crazy ... it may seem so ....
Cupid played his part ....
Now only time will tell ...
Whether the hot headed male ...
Will ever head this way.

Like his style ...
No nonsense ...
Just himself ...
Np pretenses ..
It's not yet begun ...
Yet I feel bonded.

A new start .. a new beginning ...
With gusto and sly remarks ...
Hints ..
If understood ....
Should lead the way to my heart.

Damn ....

There's no stopping the tug at the heart ...
That one feeling ....
I WANT ....
Yeah, I want ...
And, get I shall ...
When the time is right.....
They say there is this pot of gold ...
At the end of the Rainbow ...
My Rainbow has just begun ...
The sun is up ....
The drops of rain a distant past.
No one can really impress me ...
But, am so totally into him ....
Damn ..... this feeling of falling in love again ....
Hope this time I am right ...
Matters of the heart ...
Hard to understand ...
Don't want no more troubles ....
Just one true soul.
Damn .... My  heart.

If he's hard to get ... That's my MAN ...

I love challenges ....
He is a total stranger ....
But, one who has taken my fancy ....
Am so totally attracted to him ....
How do I convey this message to him ....
It's serious  ....
Look out the window ....
A beautiful morning ....
Am waiting for a sign .....Just a sign .....
Then, there won't be no stopping this passion ....
Whew! Completely swept off my feet ....
My kinda man ...
Got it Crazy ...
That's my kind of man....
Hard to get ...
But, once yours ....
Forever yours....
What a Rotten thought ...
But, what the heck...
Life is one Rotten egg ...
How you take it ...
Is all you are about....
The Guru of true grit and determination ....
The baap of all baaps.....
My kind of man.