Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Blame Game ...

The Guru of all fame ....
Fifteen minutes of limelight ...
The blame game ...
We all do ...
Some consciously ...
Some unconsciously ...
But, we all do it ....

We blame God for all our miseries ...
Gawd ... have a heart ...
Have you met him or her or IT ....
No, Then why blame God for all your shortcomings ?

Blame yourself ...
Blame that heart of yours that can't decipher ....
The code ...
The Good man or the Bad man ...
Blame your eyes ...
That can't see the truth behind the evil grin ....
Blame your mind ...
That disbelieves your gut feeling ....

Blame the rose tinted romance you feel ...
For it is blind ...
It can't see the intent of the evil man ....
Blame only yourself ...
No one else.

The last ACT ...

They all say .... One for the road ...
This is my last act ....
My last performance ...
My last appearance ....
But, they all make a comeback ...
We all do.

Just one bloody life to live ...
How can you just chuck it all up ...
and, move away ...
No ways ...
Gear up and fight ...
Fight the battles of your life ...
Fight your demons ...
Fight your fears ....
Fight those tears that well up in your eyes ...
Just FIGHT ....
Don't let this be your last act ...
It is only beginning ...
Lo Behold! The curtain is rising ...
Let's go take a bow ...
After the performance.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Teri Deewaani .....

Marr gayi mein ....
Mit gayi mein .....
Teri deewani ....
Naya iphone 5 .....

Am happy today ....

Am happy today ....
Had a great time singing golden oldies ....
With like minded people ...
Old men and women but great humans....
It was beautiful ....
Melodious with live music ....
People with feelings ....
Who felt great ...
I truly felt great .....
Am happy today ....
Had tears of joy in my eyes ....
Made new friends ....
Silver haired friends ...
But intellectuals .....
With a mind of their own.

New Role ...

A new role to play .....
An offer I couldn't refuse ....
So am off to learn the ropes anew ...
Be a new self ...
A different Avatar ...
Late but not so late in life ...
Follow my imagination ...
Be myself for once ...
Be a different me at last ....
Do things differently ...
A new adventure ...
A new thrill ...
A new high ... no drug can give ....
I am here at last ....
The best mastermind to solve unsolved cases ...
What say Watson?....
Elementary after all.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Taylor Swift - Back To December

Storms ...

I am not afraid of storms ..
I am still learning to sail my ship ...
I am not afraid of pitfalls ..
I am still groping in darkness ...
I am not afraid of speed ...
I am still learning to drive ...
I am not afraid ....
Not afraid at all ...
I am not afraid of death ...
I am still learning to live.

I remember only 9th September ...

I remember only 9th September ...
Coz' that IS a special day .....
And, was a special day for her always...
The rest of the days had faded in the memory ....
Thanks for reminding ...
20th October .... Her Ram was born ....
She adored him , worshipped him ....
Doted over him .... He was her Krishna ...
Remember the parachute coming out on special occasions ...
Remember him eating the laddoos in the Temple ...
At Jaisalmer ... while everyone was engrossed in the Aarti ...
Chota Brigadier Sahib ... taking rounds of the lines ...
On Satinder's back or on his cycle ....
His camel 'Dulhan'.....
Playing in the dunes of the Golden city .....
Every memory ... like a movie reel whirring in front of the eyes ...
The beetles he caught ...
The goat he sat upon ....
The way he rearranged your office ....
Every memory as fresh as just happened ....
His Brigadier's Uniform ... still preserved ...
I haven't forgotten ...
Just a lapse in memory due to numbness of senses ...
Humans! We humans suffer from our tragedies ...
Then the daily grind of life beckons ...
Still tried giving them the best ...
Taught them Golf ...
That's another story ...
Other people got hurt with the shots.....
They are the best Swimmers...
They are the best Cyclists... 18 gear cycle ...
Infact, Anusuya is a wonder unfolding each day despite her special needs ...
She is one of the best swimmers, basketball is very dear to her,
She plays cricket and football...
Like Dravid... she is The Wall ....
The best defence any team can get....
A stand up comedienne ...
A great artist in the making ....
Art and design being her favourite subject ....
An Environmentalist to the core ...
And, the best friend anyone can get....
The boy is a boy wonder ...
A genius to the core ....
Known as Junior Professor in his Degree College ...
Overburdened with projects and responsibilities ....
But, the best genes in him are a living proof in the personality and his Charisma ...
A computing wizard.....
An excellent Orator ...
A Mass Media student ...
He is a hit with the crowds ...
Watch the links I sent on your FB message...
Life goes on ....
They are the gems that are shining ....
The glory of two different genes ...
The best combination genetically ...

Remind me .... you have a better memory ...
And, I shall pen down every moment .....
So that generations to come shall relive the moments ...
We lived ...
A fitting tribute to the Elders ...
Dear and departed ....
And still around.