Monday, May 23, 2022

He's a good actor... #GoFigure #DoubleInnuendo

Observing the trial of Johnny and Amber ...
She clearly can see ...
How Amber was manipulated to react in the way she did during her marriage...
Johnny is a great actor and she can see the skill with which he's playing the innocent victim ...
Garnering sympathy by painting the wife as a horrific beast ...
She recalls ...
She relates ...
Men too can act as victims and get away with murder ...
Especially in India ...
It's a man's world ...
Domestic abuse victims aren't given the justice they deserve ...
Abuse isn't just a physical scar. ..
It's years of social emotional torment ...
The scars of which aren't visible but ...
Take a toll on a woman's psyche ...
Leaving her scarred and traumatized for the entire life ...
No one blames the man and his family for driving a woman crazy ...
They act innocent ...
They are protected ...
The second wife is led to believe that lie ...
Sigh! It sucks ...
A woman is a woman's worst nightmare and enemy ! #GoFogure