Thursday, March 17, 2022

Of Crushes Of Childhood And Blunders Of Youth !

From mooning over Joel Harlow from one of the Mills and Boons novel to Rahul Mehta based on Joel Harlow, a figment of her imagination ...
Somewhere in that gorge of stepping into being herself...
She was lost between the crushes of childhood and blunders of her youth !
Shyly smiling at Rajesh Karpe's antics in the classroom to giggling at the naughty tricks of Kinshuk Rakshit ...
Somewhere there ...
Swooning over Tanveer Shah from another section ...
And actually really having feelings for Donald Duck ...
That's what she referred to him as , Pratik Sarkar...
Teased by Reena Sinha when they saw him getting off the potty coloured yellow fiat car of his father every morning...
She grew up without actually growing up ...
Till she met Prabhat Tickoo ...
Her shy glances and his boldness...
Taking her pen away ...
Whilst she dabbled in poetry about him...
The ice cream at Breach Candy ...
Dropping her off to college in his scooter ...
The awkward silence in the old lift with shutters ...
Losing him finally to his career in aviation and Mamma's boy syndrome...
Porus getting her chocolates and Siwatch declaring his lovevon rose day with the epithet... See your watch tell the truth before the strongman blows the horn...
Such innocence of the teen years ...
Being pursued by Arun Singh and shying away from men...
Raghu , another one of Mamma's boy...
Manish Bhandari just another mamma's boy in love with her ...
But, she chose the blunder of her youth ...
A regret that punishes her to this day ...
An infidel that ruined her life forever! #GoFigure
She's come a long way since then...
In the 52nd summer of her life ...
She remenisces with a smile looking at the rising Sun in the horizon ...
A lovely story to tell...
Tales of the light ...
Tales of love and loss ...
But beautiful stories full of anecdotes...
Funny and filled with laughter ...
A youth lost ...
A silver sunset gained ! #GoFigure 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Just another real story from the past !

On a cold night somewhere in the North of India...
The Phoenix was taking a bath ...
The lights went off...
It was dark in the bathroom...
Phoenix was covered in soap sud top to bottom...
The water in the tap turned ice cold...
Then the water stopped running...
She was gripped in fear ...
She suffered from claustrophobia as it is ...
And, now this ...
Somehow she managed to dry herself ...
Dressed and ...
She came out ...
What does she she ?
Her father in law had switched off the electricity mains and the water mains ...
She asked why...
And her mother in law replied...
Your Dad doesn't pay the bills ...
So make do with what you get !
She was stunned...
This was just one of the incidents of the many that happened...
She tried telling her husband...
But, he was in cahoots with them...
He was having an affair with a woman from another community ....
Under their approved watchful eyes...
She wasn't aware ...
Till very late ...
Very very late ...
The Phoenix reduced to ashes ...
Destroyed by her very own ...
Just for the insatiable lust he had for his carnal desires...
Just another story...
From one of many ...
That bespoke her death ...
And rise from her ashes ! #GoFigure