Friday, May 28, 2021

The Morph ...

"I grabbed a pile of dust, and holding it up, foolishly asked for as many birthdays as the grains of dust, I forgot to ask that they be years of youth." ... #Ovid #Metamorphoses
Just a pile of dust ...
A major part ...
Just my skin ... #GoFigure

The Thrill ...

Nothing beats the high ...
The high one gets ...
On being with a gangster...
The Thrill of the kill...
The power over a powerful person...
The Thrill that can kill...
Yet, women do it for the high it gives...
Not for money nor for love ...
Just the thrill of being powerful...
Powerful enough to make a powerful man bend ...
Aha! The surge of adrenaline when the world fears you coz' ...
The most powerful man revers you ...
The gangsters mob...
The authorities...
All bowing to her ...
For the gangster bows in front of her !
The Thrill of the kill... #GoFigure 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Shadow of Death !

Creepy as it may seem...
Creepy as it may sound when heard ...
But it is true...
The Shadow of Death exists ...
It remains embedded in our subconscious mind...
Only emerging to kill once again...
Again and again...
All it knows is bloodshed...
The Shadow of Death ...
It's hand crimson with the blood of the lot...
The lot that has sinned ...
Is it a man or a woman?...
No one knows except the Shadow of Death ! #GoFigure