Friday, July 17, 2020

The deep brooding eyes...

The deep brooding eyes look at her...
Through the veil of eyelashes...
He, the multitasking simple man...
She the amorous beauty...
He hates himself...
For going back to her all the time...
But, he has nothing to do ...
But, kill time...
So, a muse and timepass she is ...
To his boring life ...
She, the hopeless romantic as always...
Seeks love from a rock ...
A stone heart ...
Who can not express love at all...
Always with a frown onnhis brows ...
A downward drooping lips...
Hevis just passing his time ...
She allows him that time ...
For he's a lonely soul ...
A soul who can't express...
Because he's afraid to express...
He's afraid of being a hero ...
He knows not courage...
Always cautious...
So shallow in love...
The day he realises...
It will be too late and ...
She will be gone...
Way ahead ...
Not turning her back ...
As always...
Way way ahead of her times...
Way ahead of the ones left behind...
He will become another number...
A number in her list of hit and runs ...
The deep brooding eyes would never be...
Never be able to see her again...
They will search for her existence...
But, never catch a glimpse of the fading silhouette in the horizon again...

Ahead of her times...

She was always way ahead...
Ahead of her times ...
When people were still figuring out...
She had already figured out...
Be it science ...
Be it technology...
Be it the genetics...
And make up of your DNA ...
She was always and is always...
Way ahead of her times ...
Way way ahead of others ...
Yet, never in the rat race ...
When others caught up ...
She left the game ...
A loner...
A recluse ...
She walks alone as always...
Way way ahead of others...
People meet her along the way...
But none,
None can keep pace with her...
She's way ahead of her times...
She's way too ahead of others ...
It's a lonely journey ...
A lonely planet for her...
But, she's happy being in her own element...
In her solitude ...
Lies the solution...
She's in a place of rest ...
Others can never be ..

She's way ahead ...
Way way ahead of her times...