Monday, June 29, 2020

It isn't easy being ME ... #GoFigure

There's none that can fit in my shoes...
I have looked up and down...
High and low...
Yet, couldn't find a soul that could be ME...
It isn't easy being ME...
Find another who would leave a roaring career like me ...
Happy to live in the shadows ...
Happy being with another's child...
Yet, call them her own ...
It isn't easy being ME...
Through the highs and lows of life ...
I have survived...
Because I have the gay abandon of a child in me...
Am lost yet found in every innocent smile ...
That has crossed my path ...
It isn't easy to fit in my boots...
Many have tried and failed...
Because they had ulterior motives...
I have none...
It isn't easy being ME...
How many can boast of going to sleep...
Hearing the voice of a little one saying nighty night to you ?
How many receive a goodnight video of storytelling ...
From happy parents...
Proud parents...
Of a child who reads a bedtime story for ME...
It isn't easy being ME...
It's awesome being ME...
In continuation...