Saturday, April 20, 2019

The measure of happiness...

Half full or half empty...
Does it matter?
Nah! Never ...
Today, she's reached a point in life ...
Where she creates her own happy moments...
Moments where she comes alive ...
In her own imagination...
An imaginary world of dreams ...
That she fulfills every living
moment ...
Her life has come one full circle ...
She doesn't need anyone to make life happen for her...
She makes life happen...
And boy,  is it happening?
Yes, it is!
This is one such moment,
35000 feet above sea level ...
She's writing her story ...
One post at a time ...
Imagine, how many can really do that?
She can ...
Life made it possible...
She made it possible...
The measure of happiness...
The peg measurer in her hand ...
She's embarked on yet another ...
Intrigue filled journey ...
Her #TravelDiary has a chapter added to it...
The #DelhiDiary to be written.

35000 feet above...

35000 feet above ...
Far above the snowy white clouds...
Air traveling to yet another destination...
She observes a lot ...
A glance around...
And she gauges the people...
Sizes up the gentry traveling...
A happy baby in front ...
A not so happy sibling ...
A disgruntled father...
A sad mother ...
Who couldn't muster the courage...
To take a stand against her miserly husband...
Who felt 200 bucks was a lot to pay ...
For a pack of Snickers for the older child ...
How people have to compromise ...
In marriages that are sad...
A sad state of affairs...
Despite education...
When people compromise in toxic marriages ...
35000 feet above sea level ...
Things haven't changed from ground level...