Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The rise and fall...

She promised herself...
She would rise from her ashes...
Rise she did ...
From her ashes ...
To soar high ...
Towards the blazing Sun...
Burning again ...
Withering into nothingness...
Not an ounce of hope left...
Not a drop of blood ...
All burnt black...
The flame engulfed her...
She rose to her death ...
In the blazing heat of the moment...
In the blazing heat of the Sun.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


It seemed so perfect...
A match made in heaven...
It was just too good...
Too quick...
A whirlwind romance ...
Just too soon ...
Too good to be true!

They decided to meet...
She went to his city...
He acted broke ...
Broken emotionally...
Broke financially...
She spent herself on him...
She spent her money on him...
She returned broken...
Physically and emotionally...
He turned out to be a conman...
She had a nagging feeling...
That all wasn't well...
In her absence...
He had been cheating on her...
Robbing her wallet dry ...
Robbing her esteem...
Every which way ...
He sucked the life out of her...
She could do nothing...
She was conned ...
Her feelings canned ...
Broken, she tried to move on ...
Only to be reminded...
There are men and...
There are CONMEN.