Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The storm within ...

The dark clouds of self doubt
The dilemma within...
The heart that bleeds...
How does she calm the ...
Storm within?

The raging hormones...
The dark thoughts of betrayal...
The brewing mayhem...
The throbbing veins...
The ache ...
The dull ache of doubt...
To believe or not ...
To hide the tears ...
Or let them flow...
She hurts ...
She hurts bad ...
When she finally gave in ...
He backed out.

The storm within rages...
All she can do is cry in silence.

To commit or not , a dilemma ...

A dilemma she faces...
To commit or not ...
She is so scared of a heartbreak ...
That she locks her feelings within...
When will she ever come out of it?

When will she be happy again?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Hurting within ...

When all was well...
Hunky dory life ...
Why did the heart try to fly again?
Why did feelings creep in?
Not done...
This heartbreak hurts...
A deep ache...
Painful ...
Time to go within...
Lock herself within...
A stoic face for the World to see...
No more ...
A cocoon to retreat to...
Hurting within...
Limping thoughts...
Towards a blank mind...
Bleeding heart ...
To hide.

The Thunder beneath ...

Don't steal the thunder beneath...
My wings ...
I want to soar high up in the sky ...
Watching the Earth below ...
I want a birds eye view of every mortal there.

Don't steal the smile...
From my lips ...
It is seldom that you will find ...
Me without.

Don't steal the peace...
Of my mind ...
It's rare to find it in my life.

Don't steal the shine ...
In my eyes ...
For life still flickers there in lonely nights.

Don't steal my thunder ...
Don't steal my peace ...
Font steal my smile ...
Let me be.

True colours, indeed!!

The only colours she had known ...
Were black and white...
But, he showed her his true colours ...
All hues of deceit covered in layers...
Labeled as love ...
A mentally strenuous relation...
An emotionally draining experience.

In the name of love ...
An interrogation cell...
Rewinding the past ...
Twisting and presenting as a hurt ...
In all truth be told, she confided...
He only hurt her over and over again ...
In the name of a joke.

Her love had become a joke ...
An ugly truth ...
He couldn't bear with ...
With a way to jerk free ...
Leaving her wounded and in tears!

Sleepless , she wonders ...
What else !
How much pain to endure ...
Time for a recap ...
An escape into her World ...
A world untouched by others ...
A sanatorium of her forced peace ...
Where no sound penetrates ...
Where she lives in times like this ...
Time to retreat ...
In her own private hell...
The life of a recluse ...
Beckons her yet again...
Never again trust these human emotions ...
Never again to be betrayed.

True colours, indeed! 
He displayed his true colours...
And the rosy picture turned ...
Yet again, black and white.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The woe of a woman

She is expected to be the best ...
The best daughter...
The best sister...
The best wife...
The best daughter in law...
The best mother ...
When will she the be herself?
The woe of a woman...
In a society full of expectations.

She screams to be heard ...
She sobs for attention ...
She cries for freedom ...
The freedom to express her wants ...
The freedom to express her desires ...
The freedom to be herself ...
The cries stifled by a society ...
Hapless cries for help ...
She retreats into her cocoon ...
A safe haven ...
From all wants and desires ....
A safe haven unaffected by her presence ...
In a material material world.

The woe of a woman ...
Knoweth none.