Friday, December 30, 2016

Happiness eludes her ...

Yet again,

Happiness eludes her. Just when she thought all was going to end , a sudden gust of wind came along and blew the nest of her dreams away.

Yet again, she became lifeless.

Yet again, she turned into a zombie.

Yet again, she killed her dreams ... her desires ... her feelings ... yet again, she felt cheated by her own.

She withdrew into a cocoon. She spun the weave around her ... Yet again, happiness eluded her.

Yet again, joy skirted around her and bereft her with emotions. A steady stream of warm tears flowing from her eyes , traversed along her cheeks ... she tasted the salt in it and yet again ... happiness eluded her.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cherubic persona

The cute double chin...
The podgy look...
The layers of fat..
Make her look good...
The cherubic look...
Her persona.

Funny is her demeanour ...
Sweet is her smile ...
Baby is her looks ...
The cherubic look...
Her persona

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Nostalgia of a bygone era ...

The whirring of the fan above cannot mute the music playing in the background . Music of a bygone era ... muffled memories , screaming to be heard once again.

She moves about, completing her chores. Almost robotic actions but for the mind immersed in thoughts remeniscing about good old days.

A nostalgic remembrance of love lost and found over the years. Each a unique tale to write about. Each an unrequited Love story legends are all about.

The Vagabond Virgin that she is ... She is lost to the present World. In her own thoughts she finds solace ... In her solitude she is happy.

Days of yore, joy de viviere... she lets escape an utterance of sighs and a smile across her wrinkled lips pasted ... she moves to her own realm ; a dream world where none can enter.

Men came and knocked at her heart but this Juliet never let anyone in. Her ideal Romeo not found yet she chuckles and says ... I love my freedom... am not ready to give it all up for anybody. Ah!!! Matters of the heart ... What to say?

Nostalgia like a cloud ... engulfs her and consumes her in its wake. Lost to all she moves in her own make believe World.

Her life her Decision.