Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Corruption is a state of mind

Corruption is a state of mind. It is not the money that is black, it is the man and his transaction! So demonetisation won't stop corruption.

Check out this story of Akbar and Birbal which we should present to Modiji. If he had paid attention in grade 8 we might have been spared this effort. A superb analogy of our present day Tughlaq and his attempts to rein in corruption. Do read.

 " Many many years ago, when I was in school, I heard the following story:

Once Badshah Akbar' s army was engaged in a prolonged war. As a result his royal wealth ("shahi khazana") was nearly exhausted.
He asked Birbal, "How to replenish my wealth."
Birbal: You can get it from Dhanna Seth.(merchant).
Akbar was amazed as to how a trader/ merchant could have so much money. Still he went to Dhanna Seth.

Dhanna Seth offered: Badshah Akbar, I have huge wealth, take as much as you want."
Akbar: Dhanna Seth, How did you accumulate so much wealth. Tell me without any fear of punishment.
Dhanna: I earned it by adultrating grains & spices.
Akbar got angry, he took all of Dhanna's wealth and ordered him that from then on he would collect the horse dung  in his royal stable. Dhanna agreed.

Years passed by. Again Akbar had to fight a long drawn battle. Again his royal wealth exhausted & again Birbal advised Akbar to go to Dhanna Seth for help.
Akbar wondered : Birbal, I had ordered him to work in royal stable to collect horse dung, How on earth he can have such a wealth."
Birbal: Badshah, you can ask him but only he can help you.
Akbar went to Dhanna. Dhanna gave Akbar huge wealth.
Akbar: Dhanna Seth, I had earlier taken all your wealth, How did you accumulate it again?
Dhanna: From the stable - incharge  & horse attendants. They used to underfeed the horses. I threatened them that I will complain to Badshah that they did not feed horses enough, hence the horse dung quantity was less. So they bribed me to keep silent.
Akbar got very angry again & ordered Dhanna to start counting the waves at sea & returned to his Palace with Dhanna's wealth.

As luck would have it, Akbar fought another war, royal wealth emptied out and once again Birbal advised Akbar to go to Dhanna  Seth for help.
Akbar could not believe as to how Dhanna could earn so much by counting waves at sea.
Akbar asked Dhanna for the help.

Dhanna: Badshah, Take as much as you want but this time around I will not change my profession.
Akbar: Ok, but tell me how did you earn money by counting Water waves at sea.
Dhanna: Very simple, I used to stop merchant's ships & boats far  away from sea shore. I showed them your orders that I  was counting waves & their ships & boats would disturb or break the waves hence their ships or boats should stay away. Badshah, these merchants then used to bribe me to let them reach the shore & unload their merchandise.

So Badshah understood that Dhanna Seth can earn by engaging in manipulations & bribery from any profession."

Demonetisation or no demonetisation, the Dhanna Seths of our society will always find a way to earn & accumulate black money.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sacrifice ... Letting go

Letting go is a big sacrifice to make ...
Killing feelings and emotions ...
Burying all thoughts ...
Leaving all care to wind ...
For Love doesn't bind ...
Love sets you free...
Love is setting them free...
For a better life for them.

What may seem all rosy and hunky dory ...
Can be a bitter future together ...
Two souls can remain connected ...
Yet, apart  ...
For Love doesn't bind...
It lets go.

Emotional connect remains ...
The physical touch goes ...
Living with fond memories is better ...
Than bitter experiences.

Just fade away is all one can do ...
For they love them ...
With love within ...
One can move on ...
No remorse, no pain ...
Just a smile on lips ...
Tackling life as it comes ...
With all its lemons and rinds.