Sunday, April 24, 2016

The madness ...

The madness that was...
The reckless love ...
Wild untamed passion ...
Unbridled by societal norms ...
A couldn't care attitude ...
Nothing stopping them ...
And then stepped in the villain ...
A conscience ...
Tearing them apart ...
The realization setting them apart ...
Lost to each other ...
Following life blindly ...
Like all others ...
Leading a dull monotonous life ...
Life called by others ...
But death of Love.

The far away call ...

A voice ...
reascending , tearing through the eerie silence of the night ...
A dream or ...
Is it a nightmare ...
A dawn breaks with doubts and a dull ache ...
An ache to know ...through the past ...
What happened ...
A feeling unexplained...
Inexplicable thoughts ...
Meandering through the lanes of the mind ...
Firing neurons to return ...
To an old story kept in wraps ...
Silken creases unfolding ...
The pain from the past ...
Was it needed ...
To traverse the path buried in memories?

The far away call...
Why should it come now?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The death of Love ...

The first eye contact,
The shy looks,
Covert following...
The first love .

No contact made...
Love lost in translation ...
Time takes over ...
Decades pass.

Sudden flash of destiny ...
They are face to face again ...
Although grey and wrinkled ...
She with her scars ...
He with his new responsibilities...
Passion rules ...
They are lost ...
Suddenly priorities take precedence ...
What started as beautiful...
Turns into a nightmare.

She sends him packing...
Into the arms of his responsibilities ...
She wears the garb of a widow again ...
His widow for now.

Love dies a brutal death ...
Not lost this time ...
in her self pity she wallows ...
Cursing her destiny.

If they were not meant to be ...
Why were they brought together again?

Why the pain of eternal bliss and separation once again?

The childhood love of innocence ...
Was all that was ...
Why turn it into unbridled passion ...
Only for the river to be let dry again?

The Death of Love this time round ...
A stigma to the name of the Lord ...
The one who created destiny,
Failed Love once again.