Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Time framed ...

They say, Time is a great healer...
She says, that's true.
With time ...
It all changed...
She was able to get over it all.

She outgrew all that held her back ...
She grew her own wings again...
Soaring once again ...
The Phoenix rose from her ashes.

Once again ...
A bird of Paradise ...
She cooed her existence ...
All the ones gone ...
Forgotten ...
And a new journey began.

The journey of life ...
Always taking her to heights ...
Never traversed but thought of ...
Once again, her adventures began.

She was happy ...
She assigned happiness a role ...
To play in her life ...
An important aspect of her lost personality...
Gained once again.

Once again she has made pacts with fate ...
Framed the time ...
Frozen her feelings ...
A stoic silence on her lips ...
She takes flight ...
Swirling upwards ...
A spiral ...
She flies yet again on her terms.