Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Little ones ...

Tiny fingers encircling hers...
Palms touching her palm...
How can she ignore this love?
How can she ...
Not love them.

His little ones ...
Loving her unconditionally ...
Their ever inquisitive eyes...
Seeking her ...
Darting behind walls ...
Hiding somewhere ...
She can feel them looking for her.

The sweet innocence of those smiles ..
The hugs galore ...
He may have sired them ...
But she feels for them.

She let go of him ...
For they complete her ...
An eternal love of motherhood ...
She smiles benevolently...
In their happiness lies her joy ...
They bring immense pleasure to her being ...
They helped her get over the agony ...
The ecstasy of Motherhood.

The little ones ...
By a stroke of destiny...
A divine intervention ....
For making her happy again.

She trips and trots in their company ...'forgetting her sorrow and loss ...
For what better a gain ...
But, Motherhood once again.